About Us

About us

A world of possibilities

Grow your own way


If you type ‘chiropractor near me’ into your phone you’ll pull up all sorts of high performance and vitality chiropractic options – but none like Metta. We’ve evolved from the outdated ‘mechanistic chiro’ quick fix into a holistic workshop and health hub that empowers you with the tools to take control of your own personal growth journey. Soon you’ll discover there’s more to life, with Metta. More energy to play with your kids. More focus to perform better at work. More strength to perform at your peak. More resilience to recover faster. Wake up refreshed, stress less – unlock the 2.0 you. Are you ready? So are we.

First, let’s get one thing straight (besides your spine). At Metta, we don’t know what your body wants or needs – yet. As a vitalistic chiropractor, our biomechanical experts lean on your body’s reactions to locate and correct subluxations and interference. In other words, we ‘ask’ the body what needs correction or adjustment, using procedures to tailor highly individualised care to your unique needs. We’re not trapped into crack fixes – we’re open to wherever your body takes us, from the spine to the head, emotions, habits and all in between. We simply start with our years of knowledge and awareness, and a curious mind open to getting to the root of your problems to find sustainable, life-changing solutions. 

Getting there takes putting you first, respecting your individual preferences, needs, and values. That’s a Metta non-negotiable, true to vitality chiropractic principles. When integrated with the best available evidence and professional expertise, Metta puts you in the best possible position to make healthcare decisions, by yourself, for yourself. It’s a powerful thing. We see vitality chiropractic adjustment as just one element of a broader ‘life adjustment’. You’ll need to step up to the plate, break bad habits that contribute to problems, and learn targeted exercises to strengthen muscle and soft tissue. For us, it’s an exciting journey watching your mindset change and expand as you explore different answers to old problems and experience a ‘paradigm shift’ where it all becomes clear.

Metta together


Our amazing Metta team has been consciously chosen to help guide you through your chiropractic journey. We realised long ago our unique experience of the world is influenced by one another – so we want to take that opportunity with both hands to help make yours more meaningful and rewarding. 

Metta is headed up by Dr. Stephanie Le Coz and Dr. Gary Patterson. Stephanie brings a vitalistic chiropractic approach, with a passion for nourishing the mind and body to unlock the latent potential within, make better decisions and reach your next level. Gary is high performance focused, leaning on proven tools and body of evidence to achieve measurable results that ensure athletes can function at their optimum. Andrew is a recent addition to Metta and brings with him enthusiasm, up to minute clinical decision making and current technical prowess. They all embody the Metta way – generous with their knowledge, and in it for one reason – you. 

Stephanie and Gary are supported by a team of bright, likeminded Chiropractic Assistants who are devoted to making you feel comfortable, connected and inspired to get in front of your health, be proactive, try new things and open up a more expansive experience of life. You’ve got it in you, we know it. Let’s do this.

Steph resized

Dr Stephanie Le Coz

Read Stephanie’s bio

Garry Patterson

Dr Gary Patterson

Read Gary’s bio

Widen your world


We’ve all been there. You know, when life seems to get on top of you. You can’t focus on work, you’re tired all the time, the kids are driving you up the wall. You’re not performing at your peak. You’re up ship creek. Oh, and then there’s the sleep (what sleep?). Something’s not right. You can feel it. Like your body isn’t functioning at its optimum. Like you’ve somehow ‘lost yourself’. It happens to the best of us. But it isn’t us. You can reboot, reset. Begin again. For an hour, a week, a lifetime. You have that power to choose at any time. Your future starts right now. The 2.0 you.

With Metta’s chiropractic adjustment care, you can have a more expansive experience of life – if you choose to do the work (insert cracking whips sound effect). We’ll work with you toward what we call conscious living, where you train yourself to become acutely aware of your life decisions. No more drifting through your days on autopilot like it’s a giant Ikea store – Metta helps you adjust your entire mindset so that you’re hypersensitive to your body and fully in tune with what it needs to function at its optimum, before the headaches, back pain and lethargy. It’s about harnessing your body’s latent potential within to help you express (and live) the healthiest version you can be.

Our promise is to surround you with the right people to make that happen. We’re personally invested in you and your growth journey, and generously share our knowledge and success strategies for your benefit. Our work is our passion. We’re genuinely thrilled when we see the light go on for you, as your mind clicks that there really is a plan C, after Plan A and Plan B. If you’ve been wondering, ‘what is the best chiropractor near me?’, it’s time to start your journey with Metta.

Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021 Phone:
6400 5333

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