Sports & Function

Chase your performance goals

The pursuit of performance


The life of an elite athlete is like climbing a mountain - you’re either on your way to the top, or on the way back down. For athletes with the summit in their sights, performing well isn’t enough – you want to perform better. You want an edge. Maybe a competitor has improved their PB by 10%. They might have increased their lift weight, shaved microseconds off their swim time, pushed their throw distance that extra bit further. Now you want in.

It’s a bit different for athletes who’ve previously been to the summit. That hunger to maintain a high level of performance stays with you, even as age catches up and your body fails you. Whether you’re trying to run out four quarters of footy or cross the finish line on a monster road cycling circuit, it can be incredibly frustrating putting in all the hard work only to break down with the same repetitive injury, over and over. Pinged hamstrings, strained calves. It never used to be this way. No wonder you’re disconsolate and desperate for answers.

Whoever you are, whatever performance goals you’re pursuing, it’s possible to find out the cause of what’s holding you back from performing at the peak of your powers. This is an emotional and scientific journey of discovery together, where we work with you to understand your story, how you’re feeling, how it’s impacting you and where you want to go. Then, together, we can set a plan in motion and support you as you take ownership over your health, put in the hard work and chase your performance goals.

There’s more to life with Metta.
Book your appointment now.


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Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.

Back pain

Is pain holding you back? Find out what’s causing the problem and make long-lasting change.


Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.


You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages.

Neck pain

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.


Reduce pregnancy pain, stress and fear so you can relax and enjoy the experience.



Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.

Is pain holding you back? Find out what’s causing the problem and make long-lasting change.

Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.

You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.

Reduce pregnancy pain, stress and fear so you can relax and enjoy the experience.



Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021

6400 5333