Hill decompression table

A gentle approach

Exploring every possible angle.


At Metta, we’re deeply passionate about exploring every possible avenue to help you achieve Peak Performance – and for many Metta members desperate for a solution without surgery, Spinal Decompression therapy has proven to be a game-changer. Whether utilised in conjunction with your regular chiropractic treatment to bring about fuller healing of your spine, or trialled for relief from chronic pain after you’ve tried everything, this gentle approach could play a key role in your care plan.

What is Spinal Decompression therapy?


Metta’s Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical therapy that uses a decompression table to move the spine back into place and allow it to heal. Many of our members who benefit from it use it as part of their care plans when they are experiencing intense spinal pain due to bulging herniated discs, disc disease or failed back surgery, stubborn muscle tension or spinal stenosis, and want a gentle approach. We’ve also had success treating a range of other issues, including worn spinal joints, diseased or injured spinal nerve roots and various causes of sciatica. 

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How does it all work?


Immersed in Metta’s calming decompression space, you’ll be treated to a relaxing meditative experience. Lying down fully clothed on the table, we’ll comfortably strap you to the table, enter your requirements into the computer, and leave you to enjoy the experience as your spine is gently stretched and released, targeting the exact area of your problem (cervical, thoracic or lumbar). You’ll feel a slight pulling sensation so calming you may even fall asleep!

As you’re relaxing (or snoring), the repetition of stretching and releasing over time relieves pressure, creating a vacuum effect that increases circulation and rehydrates by drawing nutrients, oxygen and fluids back into the disc and surrounding tissue. This relieves pain, repositions disc material and kickstarts the body’s natural healing process. It’s this systematic increasing and decreasing decompression that makes it work in a way that Traction can’t.

HillDT with Patient

How long does it take?


Your treatment program will involve making gradual progress to find the relief you’re looking for. Each session takes about 20 to 26 minutes. Depending on your symptoms, it may take 8-12 weeks for a disc to heal, with 20-30 sessions over 2-3 months.

HillDT Touchscreen

Will I feel better straight away?


It really can be life-changing, depending on how severe your inflammation is and how long you’ve been enduring the pain. Some experience a big difference after one or two sessions, others have to stick out the full program before they start feeling their old self again. A few don’t respond much, if at all, and will need to go back to the drawing board. If you follow our advice and do all the right things, we’re confident you’ll give yourself the best chance of success.

Is Spinal Decompression right for me?


Spinal Decompression is often a last resort before surgery when you are desperate for a pain relief solution. You may have a debilitating neck or back condition - where going down the path of harmful surgery isn’t an option. Because Spinal Decompression is non-invasive, many Metta members have found life-changing relief by adding this form of therapy to their care plan.

Here are some common conditions experienced by those who benefit from Spinal Decompression:
- Neck or back pain without a clear causation or positive findings noted on imaging
- Previous surgical complications
- Disc bulge/herniation
- Degenerative disc disease
- Degenerative joint disease
- Sciatica
- Opioid addiction due to pain management.

We can rule it out as an option right off the bat if you:
- Weigh over 155kg
- Are pregnant and require lower back treatment
- Have severe vascular disease
- Have severe osteoporosis.

Remember, Spinal Decompression is just one tool that the Metta team utilises to help you achieve Peak Performance – it works for some, not all. To determine the exact program and script you’ll need, we’ll ask you to undergo a decompression assessment, where we study any X-rays and scans that you have. If we don’t feel that your case is suitable for decompression therapy as part of your Peak Performance care plan, we’ll refer you back to a health professional to help you find a different approach.

Our Hill Decompression Table


Metta is the only chiropractor in Perth to invest in the Hill Decompression Table, a US-developed innovation that delivers scientifically measurable results. This is no ordinary table – it’s a high-tech care program. Equipped with computerised technology and monitoring sensors, it’s intelligent tech ensures your program is delivered with the individualised precision Metta is renowned for. 

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See it in action


Precision care

Computerised customised settings create accurate and repeatable chiropractic methods.

Individual care

The flexibility allows specific areas to be microtargeting delivering personalised care and optimum results.

Why we love it?


At Metta we believe there is more to life, even when all hope seems lost – and the Hill Decompression Table is one critical tool that may just deliver the relief you’ve been searching for. If you’re reading this, chances are this is your last resort before surgery, or you’ve simply had enough of living with the pain. By now, you’ve already done your homework. You know the Hill Decompression Table offers state-of-the-art technology that provides scientific accuracy thanks to its measurable results and evidential progress. And you’re ready to do whatever it takes to clear that back or neck pain and get back to the old you. As the only Perth chiro who has invested in this technology, we’re proud to go above and beyond to find a solution that can get you where you need to be.


Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021

6400 5333