Dr Stephanie Le Coz


“If I was given only one person to adjust it would be a child between zero and two, because I know I'll optimise their potential for the rest of life. That’s where the magic happens.”

Stephanie is one of those rare, beautiful humans you feel instantly at ease with. The kind of person you’d swear you go way back to the dress-ups corner at kindy. Bright, passionate, outgoing and in-tune with those around her, Stephanie exudes the natural optimism and loving kindness that stands Metta apart. It’s in her nature to nurture – and it’s what makes her so brilliant as a vitalistic chiropractor.

While Steph’s credentials were made official at Macquarie University, chiropractic has always been a part of her life. Born in France to a mother whose cousin was one of the country’s first chiropractors, Steph’s family naturally took care of their spinal health to stay healthy and fit. Soon life would take her on a journey across the world, from France, to New Caledonia, Sydney and Perth. But it was a life-changing humanitarian trip to India to adjust people from disadvantaged regions that introduced her to future husband Gary and changed her entire outlook on life.

At Metta, Stephanie channels her intuitive skillset and a love for people into life-changing solutions for those who need it most. The exhausted mums who aren’t sleeping. The hard-working dads who can’t muster the energy to play with their kids. She knows more than most that when the body isn’t working as it should, your lively energy can be sucked out of you. You’re left feeling stuck in a rut, with no way out. You know it’s not how you want to live, but you’ve learned to live with it. All that pain, exhaustion, struggle – this is me now. But there is a way out. There’s always more to life.


Stephanie doesn’t simply adjust your spine – she adjusts your entire mindset. Once you open yourself to the possibility that your body is intelligent and designed to thrive, you can empower yourself to take control of your health, change your habits and create new patterns that lead to healthier outcomes. More energy leads to exercise, exercise leads to better health, better health leads to better decisions. Better decisions make better parents, better co-workers, better people.

If that doesn’t sound like an ordinary ‘back doctor’, that’s because it isn’t. As a nervous system doctor, Stephanie seeks to boost your brain-body connection. She listens to your story to understand what got you to where you are today, and relies on intuition to examine you, using feel and touch to learn what needs to be done next. Once Stephanie pinpoints a potential cause, she’ll map out a plan to get you where you want to be.

Relief. Joy. Liberation. The emotional payoffs of are life-changing, not just for individuals but their families, friends and entire communities too. It’s why Stephanie is so generous with her knowledge, inviting clients to attend her free workshops regularly. By helping more people understand the beauty of their body and its capacity to be healthy, Stephanie hopes her legacy will be one that shifts the paradigm to a more positive relationship with health and wellness, not sickness.

Bachelor of Science at Macquarie University
Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University
Post Graduate Diplomate of Chiropractic Paediatrics

Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021

6400 5333