
An empowering life experience

Pregnant? We’ve got your back


Let’s be real for a second. Pregnancy is a special, wonderful life experience - but it can also be scary as hell. Your body is changing. You’re gaining weight, things are being stretched and stressed. Your posture’s gone out the window. Sleeping can be a nightmare. And amidst all the discomfort and nausea, that due date is creepily eyeballing you with a smug look on its face, tapping at its wristwatch to remind you of the impending horror show you’re about to take part in. Damn, it’s good to be a woman! 

Look, it’s totally normal to feel this way. Then again, what is ‘normal’ exactly? The more we over-medicalise and tamper with pregnancy, the more we all think of it as something to be feared. But if you’re healthy and well, what’s there to be afraid of? 

At Metta, we believe pregnancy is a life experience that should be empowering. Our focus is minimising pregnancy pain, stress and fear so you can relax and enjoy the experience. Our amazing team is here to support you as we explore your pregnancy-related musculoskeletal dysfunction, whether that’s changes in posture, ligament laxity, stress of the unknown, sleep and sit posture. 

The best thing to do is come early on – like, really early – so we can deliver preconception care. There’s lots happening in the first trimester, so it’s always best to lay the groundwork to be physically and mentally prepared. At Metta, we tailor specific care to you, using general and specific techniques that work for you. We’ll keep you calm and in control all the way, always taking the time to explain what we're doing so you know everything is completely safe and effective. Trust us – from the moment you lay on your tummy comfortably for the first time, all that stress will melt away as you drift off to your happy place.

There’s more to life with Metta.
Book your appointment now.


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Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.

Back pain

Is pain holding you back? Find out what’s causing the problem and make long-lasting change.


Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.


You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages

Neck pain

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.


Collaborate with Metta to pursue your performance goals, whether avoiding injury or finding an edge.



Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.

Is pain holding you back? Find out what’s causing the problem and make long-lasting change.

Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.

You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.

Collaborate with Metta to pursue your performance goals, whether avoiding injury or finding an edge.



Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021

6400 5333