Back pain

The ease you’re looking for

Get your life back


Back pain isn’t fun for anyone. There’s the debilitating back pain that’s always there, making everyday life a walking nightmare. There’s the pain that comes and goes at different times of the day like an annoying telemarketer that’s determined to ruin your plans and pollute your zen. Then there’s the back pain that you don’t notice until you go for a run or get up off the couch, and suddenly you’re frozen on the spot in agony. Sometimes it’s localised in the lower back, other times it’s experienced as referred leg pain. Every time it’s holding you back from being your best – so let’s do something about it.

At Metta, we know back pain is different for everyone. Our job is to make it go away – for good. To do that, we need to find out what got you there in the first place so we can clearly establish what’s causing the problem. If we don’t, it’ll just keep coming back, again and again and again. And then, well, that would just make us a really expensive paracetamol, not the biomechanical experts you’re rightly investing in. In the vast majority of cases, understanding and remedying the biomechanics that have failed you allows us to make long-lasting, sustainable change. 

Part of the journey is making sure you’re not only on board, but in control of the decisions. We’ll explain everything in plain terms so it makes complete sense for you, and together we’ll work through the changes you can make, both physical and lifestyle, that can bring about the relief you’re looking for.

There’s more to life with Metta.
Book your appointment now.


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Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.


Reduce pregnancy pain, stress and fear so you can relax and enjoy the experience.


Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.


You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages

Neck pain

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.


Collaborate with Metta to pursue your performance goals, whether avoiding injury or finding an edge.



Other concerns


Your body is designed to be healthy. But have you ever wondered… is this as good as it gets? Metta’s Vitalistic and Sports based Chiropractic methods can unlock a richer, brighter, clearer life by focusing on your spinal health and complementary techniques, improving every aspect of your wellbeing.

Reduce pregnancy pain, stress and fear so you can relax and enjoy the experience.

Make your headache go away for good by understanding its origins and changing bad habits.

You’d do anything for your kids – Metta’s vitalistic chiropractic methods are perfect for all ages

Let’s find the cause of your neck pain and work on a sustainable solution.

Collaborate with Metta to pursue your performance goals, whether avoiding injury or finding an edge.



Contact us

11/199 Balcatta Road, Balcatta
Western Australia 6021

6400 5333